Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo Composition

This picture of The Great Wall of China is an example of framing beacuse it was captured looking through a window, as if the window were the frame. It is a jpg image, therefore it is a lossy image.

The dominate lines the pencils create catagorize this image as a leading line image. This is a good example because the lines create a backbone for the image. This is also a lossy jpg image.

This is a lossy jpg image and a great example of centering. The angle enhances the symetrical appearance of the image through the refection on the water.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Above, is a good example of balance. The images and text are evenly distributed across the layout, which is easy on the eyes.  Below, shows a bad example of balance, as the image on the right overpowers the entire layout. It could be fixed by evenly distributing the text throughout both the left and right side of the layout and by adding an image to scale to the adjacent side.